389 was made on a 4'x4' wood panel. Unlike 608, which expanded and grew organically through the drawing process, 389 had set dimensions. Using so many parts on a relatively small surface gave 389 an abstract composition of several areas of densely layered line and paper.
846 is my largest work to date. I documented the the drawing process so I could analyze and view each step more critically. Working on a larger scale, I felt obligated to work somewhat more slowly than usual, taking more time to consider each next step. Viewing it up close as I worked on it, and standing back and seeing it as a entire composition, gave me two completely different perspectives — as if they were different pieces altogether. Viewing the piece from a distance I could see where the lines needed to be directed, built, or removed.
crayon on newsprint on wood panel, 48"x48"
crayon on newsprint, 104"x68"
Process of 846